Sarah Heron-10
Sarah Heron
Personal Stylist & Colour Expert

Sarah is a personal colour and style coach but non-stereotypical in her approach. Not being a size zero, not shopping in expensive designer shops, not wearing spiky heels or squeezing women into clothes that don’t suit them, is what sets Sarah apart. She’s down to earth, grounded and empathetic in her mission to empower ‘everyday’ women to feel better about themselves. As someone who battled toxicity in her personal and professional life, Sarah retrained to offer colour and style services, having experienced the huge uplift in her own confidence that wearing the correct colours and styles can achieve. Sarah is passionate about supporting women going through peri and post menopause believing that alongside conventional forms of support, colour and style are very much a part of the menopause wellbeing toolkit, helping address issues of body shape change, weight gain, loss of libido, diminished confidence and lost mojo.

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