Rebecca Francis

Working with women's health and essential oils has formed a large part of my adult life.

Having suffered from endometriosis for 30 years, countless drug treatments and operations I understand what it is to have a body not in balance. Culminating in a horrendous menopause where I had no clue what was happening to me and some days didn't even recognize myself.

Through my 20 years of working with Essential oils I am a passionate educator of women's health with natural solutions, regularly presenting online classes on a variety of subjects.

Peri-menopause and menopause are my specialist areas and have worked in this area both corporately, spearheading 'menopause awareness' in a large corporate company with the Women's Network and individually through my 1-2-1 consultancy business

After suffering for years with woman's health issues I am so passionate about empowering others so they do not have to suffer the same way I did. For more information about my services, please look at my website https://www.theessentialconsultant.com/

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