Lindsay Tempest

I first became interested in writing a journal during lockdown. I had been teaching art and well-being classes for many years and wanted to publish a well-being tool that could help during those challenging moments. 

Why am I qualified to do this? I am an artist and illustrator with a BA Hons in Fine Art Painting and a Teacher in Higher Education. I also have a mental health qualification. Alongside this, I am also a person! I am a woman on her mental health journey, a woman who's had some challenging times, as we all have sometimes. I decided to use my creativity to explore my feelings, and the images I produced embellish the pages of this journal.

I would love you to feel that you can record your words and drawings, and that this soothes or brings you happiness. I have set up an Instagram Page 'My Wellbeing Art Journal', for us to share images and words, as the sense of community that can come through this will hopefully, again, facilitate connection between us on this journey through life.

My Articles...